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Jumat, 13 November 2009

Live is problem........

Hidup memang penuh dengan cobaan, tapi tanpa adanya coba hidup terasa hampa.
pada bulan agustus aku telah menerima semua itu, namun itu semua aku anggap sebuah ujian yang akan menaikkan level ku dihadapan Allah SWT.
Iyah.,.,.,.,dihadapan Allah SWT.,.,.
namun di dalam peliknya cobaan yang telah menghampiri ku, terdapat kebahagian yang tak pernah kurasakan sebelumnya,,,entah itu apa???

ternyata Allah itu maha adil yah....? iya gak.,.,.,,,,Iya kan.....

Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

Assigment of english

Name : Mohamad Anis

Class : Accounting "A"

NPM : 109200030

1.C.Mexico City’s problems ( Too specific)
2.A.Why people are moving to Mexico City (Too specific)
3.B.Mexico City’s air pollution (Too specific)

1.C.Ads for soap on American TV (Too specific)
2.B.Americans like TV news (Too specific)
3.A.The two kinds of TV stations in the United States (Too specific)

1.B Redwood tress in California
2.C Forest in Scotland
3.A The importance of forest

Too specific : Derivation of lightning
Too General: Cause of lightning .

2.Topic:Kinds of Clouds
Too Specific : Cirrus Clouds .
Too General : Kinds of Clouds .

1.Topic : Source of drinking water.
2.Topic :Unhealthy water.
3.Topic :Ways to use important water.

1.Topic : The Ability og Galileo Galilei .
2.Topic : The experiment of Galileo Galilei .
3.Topic : The problem of Galileo Galilei .

Main ideas of Paragraphs

The Topic is Supermarkets
1.The kinds of supermarkets .
2.Ways of supermarket employeers serving .
3.The different prices in supermarket with the other stores .

1.Topic :How to make tea .
In some countries, people drink tea with every meal.
2.Topic: History of Coffee .
Soon there were coffehouses in many europan cities
3.Topic : About the Florida’s orange juice .
Another good snack is apple juice.

1.B.Clothes can tell a lot a person .
2.A.Light for warm weather are light.
3.B.Today,there are made of manmade cloth.

1.B.Alchemist lived before the 1700s.
2.C.Robert Boyle helped to start the science of chemistery
3.A.Antoine Lavoisier learned an important fact by doing experiment.

Senin, 28 September 2009

Indonesia's Culture

Indonesia have much culture, thats culture will help indonesia stronge and always free, and all of thats make somethimg diffrent. Therefore indonesia will be easy to known by the other country becouse of its culture, indonesia will be easyer to seek relation with the other country, and than indonesia will be easyer to doing something what goverment of indonesia wise.

Indonesia will be stronge that mind indonesia will build likes court tree whic much meaning about it.
indonesia makes something which always help society and will not ask some help to the others country. that all will be shown by indonesia as stronge as court tree.

Indonesia easyer to known by the other country that mind, indonesia will be helped by its culture which mine.
indonesian's culture likes ; angklung music, jaipong dance, piring dance, pecut dance and much the others.

Indonesia will be easyer to seek relation with the other country that mind, indonesia will be helped by the other country about economic, politik, and than social.

therefore, becouse of indonesi have much cultures, Indonesia will be easyer to do something about all lot of condition which received by it, and will be batter than past...!!!

Go faster and Go batter for indonesia.,..,.,.,.!!!

Di susun oleh : - Mohamad Anis
- Muhammad Halim

Senin, 21 September 2009

Indonesia yang aman dan af

MY Hollyday is very happy

sep 10,2009 i came back in my down town at pamekasan-madura. overthere i much spent my time in the house, becouze i missed with my parents, sister, brother, uncle, nephew, grand ma, and than grand pa,,,, i so happy at the time.....!!!emmmm swear dahhhhh,.,.,.,!!

in sep 21,2009 i and my family vacation in swimming pool in sumenep city, overthere i wanna loss my strees which very long there's in my body....

My young sister and brother swam wuihhhhh,.,.,.,pokoknya asik lah.,.,.,.all of my family happy, so do i with me, after that 15.30 came back in pamekasan,,,,, at the time my body very ill but so good.

Sep 22, 2009 i set up with my atituted, becouse i didn't divend my lapto and my phone cell very well until that's all were loss from my hand...oh my god (ALLAH SWT) maybe that all examination for me,,,, if that's right i will have received with sunnies (ikhlas).

ahhhhh biarlah,.,.,.,biar,.,.,.,.i hope, i will get replace it now or next time which i don't know when is't,.,.,.,.!!!

Ahhhhhhhhhh cpeeeeekkkkkkkk.,.,.,.,.,.,.!!!!! sep 25, 2009 i will come back in bandung to countinue my study overthere,, IM TELKOM is my university..!!many assigment whom dosen IM Telkom gave to them study university.

don't forget pray to me so that i arrive with well.,.,.,.

i get my family to always pray when i go from my love city.....!!!!!



Hollyday is very happy

Kamis, 17 September 2009

Long road to succes

My sweet experiance..

Aku dan temenku sedang jalan-jalan ke sebuah mall terkemuka didaerahku. Secara otomatis kalo jalan-jalan ya mesti bawa uang.

Tapi kami bawa tidak seberapa karena niat kami cuma jalan-jalan. Waktu kami memasuki sebuah toko yang pakaiannya lumayan bagus-bagus, kami bersamaan dengan ibu-ibu muda yang tajir-tajir.

Kami pilah pilih tu pakaian. Tak taunya ibu-ibu itu juga bersamaan dengan kami. Pilih disini ketemu, pilih disana ketemu, akhirnya ibu-ibu itu menggertak kami,kami jangan mengikutinya.

Kamipun menjauh dari nereka. Pas ketemu didepan kasir, kami berada dibelakang ibu-ibu tadi. Tanpa kami kira dan kami duga, ibu-ibu itu salah satunya kehilangan dompetnya.

Tanpa ba bi bu lagi ibu-ibu itu menuduh pada kami. Pikirnya kami yang dari tadi mengikutinya terus. Ibu yang lainnya menyuruhnya untuk Tanya dapa orang yang dirumah, mungkin ketinggalan. Tapi dasar ibu2 tajir, ngotot menuduh kami yang ambil.

Di dalm mall itu kami dimaki – maki habis – habisan. Tenang saja karena kami memang gak ambil. Kami hampir dilaporkan sama polisi yang tidak jauh dari mall itu.

Pak satpam pun ikut membantu. Tiba-tiba datanglah seorang bapak menghampiri kami. Dia suami ibu yang tadi menuduh kami. Dia mengatakn kalo dompet ibu itu terbawa oleh bapak itu.

Aku dan temanku merasa lega bgt. Ibu itupun meminta maaf. Karena aku tahu ibu itu tajir, maka aku ajukan sarat padanya. Aku dan temanku minta ganti rugi sebesar Rp. 5.000.000 tadi sudah dimaki – maki.

Ibu itu menyetujuinya. Dibukanya dompetnya, lalu dihitungnya uang sebanyak 5 juta. Merasa akan menerima uang, langsung saja tanganku mengadahkan tanganku hendak menerima, tiba – tiba tanganku dipukul sama ibuku. “ BANGUN !!!!!!, SUDAH SIANG!!!!!!, BRANGKAT SEKOLAH !!!!!!

E alah gak taunya aku mimpi.