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Senin, 28 September 2009

Indonesia's Culture

Indonesia have much culture, thats culture will help indonesia stronge and always free, and all of thats make somethimg diffrent. Therefore indonesia will be easy to known by the other country becouse of its culture, indonesia will be easyer to seek relation with the other country, and than indonesia will be easyer to doing something what goverment of indonesia wise.

Indonesia will be stronge that mind indonesia will build likes court tree whic much meaning about it.
indonesia makes something which always help society and will not ask some help to the others country. that all will be shown by indonesia as stronge as court tree.

Indonesia easyer to known by the other country that mind, indonesia will be helped by its culture which mine.
indonesian's culture likes ; angklung music, jaipong dance, piring dance, pecut dance and much the others.

Indonesia will be easyer to seek relation with the other country that mind, indonesia will be helped by the other country about economic, politik, and than social.

therefore, becouse of indonesi have much cultures, Indonesia will be easyer to do something about all lot of condition which received by it, and will be batter than past...!!!

Go faster and Go batter for indonesia.,..,.,.,.!!!

Di susun oleh : - Mohamad Anis
- Muhammad Halim

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